About Me

I suppose it would be nice if you knew a little something about me if you’re going to decide to read my blog.

I am a proud Syracuse University graduate, New Jerseyan and 80’s baby. Those three things will undoubtedly come up often in this blog. Then again that’s more of where I’ve been then who I am.

I am a die hard sports fan. Yankees, Knicks, Rangers… and San Francisco 49ers? Yup. I love the Giants, but they’re like my sister while the Niners are my wife; and the Jets are a distant cousin I like to make fun of. I believe Gordon Bombay is the greatest coach of all-time in any sport. I believe Mariano Rivera may be an alien robot built to break the will of mankind… and I love it. Enter Sandman will still be my children’s lullaby.

I have an undying love for movies and the art of cinema. I therefore have complete disdain for those that squander it as a gift (I’m looking at you Brett Ratner). I watch The Godfather each and every time I bake anything, and have for the last 10 years. I know Coming to America is the funniest movie ever made, and am convinced Space Jam is a documentary. I would want Stanley Kubrick to direct my life story even in his current condition, with John Williams providing the score.

I was raised on Jazz and Motown, and thanks to movies, classic rock. I could wake up in 1968 and feel right at home. I own both Thriller and Moonwalker on vhs, and am extremely proud of that fact. I become irrationally upset at the lack of quality mainstream music today, but MGMT and The Roots may keep me sane. Also, Ian MacKaye is a badass; that is all.

I am unabashedly liberal, not because I like the talking points, but because I believe life’s most persistent question is what are you doing for others. I think Democrats and Republicans are often both full of shit. I consider myself a feminist and dedicate my life to overthrowing patriarchy in all of its forms. I have worked with organizations focused on challenging other men to recognize rape, violence, and hegemony (including but not limited to sexism, racism and homophobia) are a man’s issue as well… these are my brothers.

I have a lifelong passion for books and great writing. Quite simply, I believe in the transformative power of words. When I was five, I told my local librarian I wanted to marry her, becauseĀ  I thought she lived with the books (I may still be serious about this). Growing up I wanted to be a writer, and I still do; and I guess that’s why I am here.